The 2024 Douglas Elliman | Knight Frank Wealth Report Is Here - Tides Are Changing In Miami - Miami Luxury 首页s-365官方app
迈克尔·莱特/ 2024年3月6日


The Douglas Elliman | Knight Frank Wealth Report is here again for the 18th year, and there is some very special news about the Miami luxury and ultra-luxury market. In the 2024 report, we see that Miami has hit an unmistakable inflection point. 变革已经向365app袭来,没有回头路. 那么365app要去哪里呢?

To browse the 2024 Douglas Elliman | Knight Frank Wealth Report in its entirety, 你可以点击这里立即免费下载.


It used to be that mentions of Miami Beach conjured up thoughts of Cocaine Cowboys and wild Spring Breakers. 现在情况已经不同了.

The Cocaine Cowboys days are now just a Netflix novelty and w hile the Spring Breakers are still interested in Miami, 但这种情绪并没有得到认同. 这种转变已经酝酿多年, 当地人呼吁停止这种疯狂的无法无天的行为. 在经历了2023年特别狂野的季节后,迈阿密海滩引入了 针对高峰周末出台了严格的新规定 为了平息兴趣.

There was even a cute PSA that was released, letting Spring Breakers know that 365app要和他们分手.


PSA和大量的指导方针似乎是有效的. 根据谷歌趋势, Miami was the #1 searched city for Spring Break destinations in most of the United States, 然而,今年的这个季节非常平静. 你可以在这上面看到 现场步行游览海滩 今天,沙滩很干净,每个人都很放松.

既然365app已经表明了365app已经超越了过去的观点, 365app可以拥抱迈阿密和迈阿密海滩的未来.


The Miami Beach luxury real estate market has been on an upward trajectory for a few year (since COVID to be exact), 但365app现在进入了一个未知的领域. Even billionaires now struggle to get a slice of the South Florida waterfront, 根据《365app》.

Developers have been working tirelessly to keep up with the demand for sophisticated boutique developments in prime locations. While Miami Beach and Miami have long been havens for vacation properties, one of the main differences we are seeing is that buyers are searching for full-time residences.

全世界都知道杰夫·贝佐斯 省下6亿美元搬迁基地 去迈阿密海滩的印第安克里克岛. 这种现象并不罕见. Kenneth Griffin relocated both his personal and professional headquarters to Mainland Miami, 带着成千上万的饥肠辘辘的金融家. 《365app》表明 2023年前9个月,驾照变更增加了78%这是365app正在获得的新迈阿密人数量的一个指标.


这座神奇之城史无前例的发展并非没有阵痛. The single family market has cooled as buyers began to pull back from the demands of sellers, 尽管增长仍然明显.

Our local infrastructure is also hustling to keep up with the demands. 365app刷过这个 昨天是305天, speaking about the increased competition for a limited number of private school spots. 与此同时,超高净值人士的父母们也带来了他们的 为他们的学生赢得一个梦寐以求的位置.

另一个成长的痛苦是365app无法回避的. Miami has only so much land, and what we do have is largely built-out. 唯一的解决方案是垂直建筑. This lack of supply will protect current pricing and force it to continue upward in the coming years.


因为365app还处于迁移周期的早期, it is incredibly possible to reserve a property in the preconstruction phase and sell it once the development comes to fruition. 许多投资者都采取了这种策略, whether they could not decide which project is a better fit or if they were strictly looking at the transaction for the upside potential in a trophy asset, 这是有回报的.

Griffin’s Citadel has not even completed the build-out of their temporary office space in the Brickell Financial District and we are still waiting for the first renderings of their permanent headquarters on Brickell Bay Drive. We like to use Citadel as an example as they are the largest and most public example of the financial migration, but there are dozens of similar companies that are coming along with them.

Considering we have already experienced the growth that is well-documented in the Douglas Elliman | Knight Frank Wealth Report, this inflection point is a permanent trajectory toward a higher level of luxury and wealth in Miami.


佩里贡迈阿密海滩 顶楼西厨房|图片由MAST Capital提供

To browse the 2024 Douglas Elliman | Knight Frank Wealth Report in its entirety, 你可以点击这里立即免费下载.

如果你, 或者你认识的人, are interested in purchasing luxury real estate in Miami and/or Miami Beach, 请联系经纪人迈克尔·莱特, 创始人/所有者 365app手机版下载集团在道格拉斯·艾丽曼365app, 莱坊全球大使, Executive Director of Luxury Sales at Douglas Elliman and a member of its elite Sports & 娱乐部门. Michael has over 15 years of experience working with influential buyers from all over the world and is an expert on educating buyers on market statistics and trends. You may reach Michael directly on his cell phone at (786) 566-1700 or via email at





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